UK: (1423) 857920 | USA: (347) 708 1828

14-day 100% Money Back Guarantee

The no-risk way to trial our service

We want you to love our service!

In the unlikely event that you find the service doesn’t meet your needs, we provide a 14-day risk free 100% money back guarantee. All that we ask is that you are fully intending to use our service and are not simply using the guarantee to get free artwork! Sorry, but we do have kids to feed! The 14-day guarantee covers genuine users who have:

  • Completed our on-boarding process by providing a style brief and the assets (eg your logo) that we will need to complete your initial design tasks
  • Submitted at least 2 design requests that fall within the scope of work we undertake (a design request is a single item of artwork).
  • Have provided us with clear direction and feedback throughout the process

The guarantee covers the first 2 design requests within the first 14 days. If you are dissatisfied with the first two designs we produce for you, simply let us know within the first 14 days to qualify for a full refund.

If you submit 3 or more design requests (including 3 or more artwork tasks within a request), within the first 14 days you are deemed to be happy with the service and the guarantee no longer applies.

Why not get started today? It’s risk free!

Ready to Get Started?

There's no setup fees, no long term tie-ins and we provide a no quibble 14-day Money Back Guarantee